Drone Batteries: Everything You Need to Know About!

drone batteries

There are 2 million registered drone users in the united states. Talking about the overall number of drone users across the globe, the numbers can go up to 10 million. As a drone owner, you must be careful about multiple things, such as paperwork, registration, laws, etc.

But there are some technicalities that you should know about the drone. As you all know, here at chargerpedia, we discuss about chargers and batteries. So in this post, you will get all the information about drone batteries.

Drone batteries are used in unmanned flying vehicles that are known as drones. These batteries have high capacity and provide the required power for the drone to fly up at a certain height. Most drones use a battery of 2000 mAh – 4000 mAh, and commercial and military drones uses more than 10,000 mAh to fly up at higher altitude.

What type of batteries is used in drones?

Both Lithium-ion and Lithium polymer batteries are used in camera drones. Lithium-ion batteries are used in powerful drones that can lift up a suitable weight and fly for extended intervals. On the other hand, lithium polymer batteries are lightweight and increase the height flying of drones.

DJI sells most drones worldwide. The batteries that are used in these drones are lithium-ion ones.

How long does a drone battery last?

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The average flight time of a camera drone is 25-30 minutes. Multiple factors affect the battery life of any drone. Some of the factors are listed below.

  • Weather and external factors – You will get more flight time in clear weather Than on a windy day. The air pressure also keeps changing with increased height.
  • Weight of the drone– Havienr drones tend to have less flight time (15-20 minutes) than lightweight drones.
  • Types of motor – If you have a powerful motor on your drone, it will drain out energy much faster.
  • Flying style – Using sports or aggressive mode on your drone will make it fly with more acceleration and drain the battery.
  • Age of the battery – If your battery has become old, it may lose its charge quickly as the discharge rate becomes faster.

How to choose the right drone batteries?

As per the research, only 4-5 brands manufacture drone batteries. These third-party brands provide batteries at a much more affordable price than the original ones. You can buy them online(Amazon, Walmart, or best buy) or visit your nearby drone shop.

Other than that as per my experience with drones, I prefer buying the original batteries for optimal performance. Here is the list of original batteries that you can buy online.

BrandShop Link
List of brands that manufacture drones.

How to replace the drone batteries?

Drone batteries are easy to remove. You have to follow the guidelines given in the user manual. You can also find the video on youtube by typing the model name and “change battery” text on youtube.

Some drone batteries have screws, and some have sockets. You have to fit the battery in the right place.

I have seen the photographers nearby my area changing the drone’s batteries multiple times to get the right footage. Wedding photographers also have 3-4 battery sets to shoot the cinematic view of the wedding and use the devices for long intervals.

Manish Pandey
Manish Pandey

Manish Pandey | Blogger | Tech Enthusiast | Investor |.
He has a keen interest in gadgets, and this one is his second blog. Read his blogpost on chargers, smartphones, and other gadgets only on chargerpedia.com.

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